Thank you for taking the time to look at my web site!
My goal is to provide useful information. If you have any recommendations, please let me know.
If you would like to be entered into a drawing*, please email the information below to (please reference this free drawing) or print and complete the form and mail to:
Chisholm Gentry
Windermere Silicon Valley Properties
830 E. El Camino Real Mountain View, CA 94040
Name: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss ________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ( ) --
Cell Phone: ( ) --
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________
What do you like best about your neighborhood?
First Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to Home Depot
Second Prize: Windermere Cookbook (a $30 value)
Third Prize: Best of Trading Spaces DVD (a $20 value)
Thank you,
Chisholm Gentry
*All entries must be in by September 21st, 2003.
*Only one entry per household.